Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm So Glad...I've Got a Head! And the Internet, Too.

For all the problems it can create, I think the Internet is fantastic and is certainly a part of God's ever-increasing Kingdom.  When seen as a tool, it's amazing. 

Levi's at the age where he's starting to ask more complicated questions about bones and the ground and spit and animals and you-name-it.  We're starting to mention things we know will blow his mind, like volcanoes and earthquakes, and suddenly he can't get enough of them.  And so it's to the Internet we go for information and, the holy grail, videos. 

Here are some videos that have been a great source of amusement and learning for Levi, and Adelaide loves most of them, too.

These are a few of our favorites.  We've also looked up how starfish move and discovered their hundreds of wavy little feet, and we've weeded through much earthquake footage trying to find the really good stuff that isn't scary.  We've looked at the human skeleton and I can't think of what else, all in the past week or so. 

Having the Internet at our disposal is the perfect aid to satisfying a curious four-year-old, one that my grandmother never would've imagined.  Tell me if you and your kids don't get totally hooked on that Jerry Lawson song.