Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Coming to Terms with My New Love for (Cough) Daylight Savings Time

Have I gone completely mad?  How could I possibly love you, Daylight Savings Time?  I have always loathed you!  What would possess me to sigh a sigh of relief at your instigation?  You are, after all, a thief and a robber.  You stole my hour, but truly, thank you.

Jed and I are not ashamed to admit that we use fans and lightblock window coverings if that's what it takes for our kids to sleep and for us to get some rest.  Levi trained us to do this, and I won't get into the particulars, but I promise that I began with the greatest intentions of placing my babies out in the yard under full sun for their naps to train them to sleep through distractions with squinted eyelids and annoying noises clanging all around.  But as we grew desperate and clung to the edge of sanity with our fingernails, we decided to espouse the general "whatever it takes" when getting our kids to just sleep already.

Also, and this is both cool and alarming, but also, our latitude on the globe makes our winter days very short (meaning long nights where it's easy for us all to go to bed at 7 pm and sleep till 10 am like a family of grizzly bears) and our summer days loooong (as in, we're all yukking it up and playing games with the sun high in the sky, thinking about what's for dinner till the oven clock clocks us over the head for not noticing that it's 9 pm).  We rush the kids to bed, blink, then groggily battle Levi off of trying to wake us at 5 am when the sun is, again, high in the sky, streaming in happily whilst birds pretend it's a good time to sing cheerily.  Though the singing is beautiful, the timing is actually terrible, birds. 

So I thank you, Daylight Savings Time.  As our days have cycled back to growing longer, Levi has started to come into my room long before the clock has a 7 in the first position, and that has started, in its turn, to make me panic.  When you stole my hour, you traded me for something that I found highly worth it.  The hour of morning darkness you gave back to me definitely makes up for your insidious ways.  For now, things are sort of back to normal.  Meanwhile, the days will still keep getting longer (by June 21, my exaggeration above about long days will not really be that much of an exaggeration), and since there are no other opportunities to barter for more early morning darkness, I really just might have to put up the super heavy duty lightblock curtains in that boy's room. 

So shock of all shocks, I have grown fond of a sworn enemy.  I've found perhaps the one person other than the golf lobbyists who isn't totally put out by Daylight Savings Time this year.  And the fact that it's me makes me skeptical, not sure I even know myself anymore, a litte untrusting of what I might come up with next.

Today, Daylight Savings Time.  Tomorrow, who even knows?  Maybe I'll start using tanning beds and keeping frogs in the house.  Oh, no, wait, I do still have some limits firmly intact.  Whew!

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