Saturday, May 21, 2011

And Then There Was Adelaide

We knew her 18 months before she was conceived.  We knew her name was Adelaide, a reference to the noble stature we are privileged and expected to assume as sons of God.  We prayed for her and called for her, and our apostle had a dream about her until...there she was!

Mild-tempered, quick-minded, and full of giggles, she has made this year fun and fast.  Starting with a fairly uneventful and, dare I say, easy labor (thanks, at the end, to the epidural I tried yet again to avoid until I changed my mind, ha!), this first year has pretty much followed suit (recurring thrush and teething episodes aside [and for which there was no epidural]).

She has ensured that she totally owns her daddy, has earned the affections of her big brother, and has also begun to learn to put that big brother in his place if necessary.

The dark, almost black eyes, the widest-mouth screams of protest, the head tossing from side to side as she crawls around excitedly, the bouncy dance done to Daddy's beat-boxing, the little head-butt nuzzles, and the various laughs from cackly to robust all speak of "Adelaide: Year One" in our memories.

Miss Adelaide Vivian, you are such a joy and a glory and a blessing to our family!  Yahweh has great purpose for your life, and we bless you to know Him and to love Him, to love authority, obedience, and the total trusting yieldedness of being off the edge in the spirit.  May you never be hindered by perceived limits as you take Him at His word.

We love you, sweet Bitty.  Happy Birthday!


  1. These are wonderful words from Mother to Daughter! They brought tears to a grandma's eyes! AND, what a precious picture of our sweet girl!

  2. Thanks, Lolly! :) She's a doll, even if I do say it myself!

  3. Wow! I agree with Lolly!! Think I'm gonna declare them over myself, too!!!! Thank you for being such an amazing Kingdom woman, sis. Coco

  4. Tears, I've got them! We love you Bits! wonderful...

  5. Thanks, Deb! Prophesy, lady!

    Misty, she loves you, too!
