Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Ten Reasons Roxie Ought to Come Today

Even though I absolutely have my wits about me and am totally calm and the actual due date isn't even until tomorrow and that means she could not come for another week and a half, here are the top ten reasons I think Roxie ought to make her debut, well, right now.

10.  I've been having various bouts of contractions since New Year's Eve.  That was 10 days ago...

(Ten. Days.)

9.  We finally purchased the larger vehicle needed to fit all three children at the same time.  I felt certain that she was just waiting for us to get that affair in order, but that was finalized last Friday, soooooo....

8.  I am ready.  (Thank you, Captain Obvious, I know.  As if this post alone hadn't made it pretty clear.)

7.  I completed my random nesting-lady to-do list, including waxing my mustache. What else could she be waiting on?

6.  I encouraged Jed through completion of his Honey-Do list, including mounting the paper towel holder on the wall.  Again, what else could she be waiting on?

5.  There is a newborn-sized person inside my body.  Currently.  Isn't that enough?

4.  January 10th is the day I've been gunning for since the beginning, because it was my Granddaddy's birthday.  It has a nostalgic connection, aaaaand it'd be convenient to remember for that side of the family.

3.  Last night was a full moon.  Isn't that supposed to pull her out like it pulls the tides?

2.  I finally packed my hospital bag.  (Hopefully she's not just procrastinating like her mom.)

1.  Tomorrow's the official due date, and I've been saying I think she'll come early.  That leaves us with today, little girl!

Therefore, it really ought to start happening, just, any moment now.  Just any moment.  Aaaaany time...

In the meantime, I'll be in the living room, jumping around with Levi.

(And reminding myself that she is so very portable and well-fed where she is...no need to rush it.  No need to rush it.  No need to rush...)


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