Monday, May 16, 2011

The Four-Molar Race

What is it with some kids and teething?  Levi's teeth just sort of showed up with minimal symptoms to indicate what was going on.  I think I might remember maybe two or three times that we had to give him Tylenol because he seemed sort of uncomfortable.  That's no big deal compared to the IV we have running into Adelaide's arm right now.  (Before you get too upset, that's just hyperbole, but we are giving her much more, only at night, and only after days that have indicated she's in pretty substantial pain, which has been quite a lot lately.) 

At around 12-14 months, kids start working on what they call the "First-Year Molars," which are their first molars.  Molars, incidentally, seem to be the most painful teeth to cut through, probably because their surface is much broader and pushes up (or down) against a broader patch of gums.  I've been able to see in Adelaide's mouth for about two weeks now that she has two very puffy spots in the molar region on the bottom of her mouth.  But a week ago, I stuck my finger in her mouth to feel their progress when I felt two puffy spots in the molar region on the top half.  And that's Adelaide for you.  She has a mouth full of teeth already, which she started producing at just under 5 months, and of course, she would start her First-Year Molars at 11 months, and while they usually come in pairs, she would go ahead and get four going all at once.  On the chart below, she has the teeth labeled 1 and 2, top and bottom, and now she's working on the ones labeled 4, top and bottom.

Bonjela tooth icon

Why all the boring talk about teeth?  Because, for some reason, teeth are all the rage at our house these days.  And while kids are different about teething pain, parents are different about functioning on sleep loss.  I have a lot to overcome when I have interrupted sleep.  Adelaide interrupts my sleep.  It's a sad combination! 

So now I've initiated the Four-Molar Race.  The last time Adelaide's teething troubles tormented me, I was on the phone with my mom and both my sisters in tears from lack of sleep and days spent soothing a cranky baby.  This time, I feel as though the world is with me if I blog about it (even if it's not, of which I can remain blissfully ignorant).  Of course, it's pretty much my mom and my sisters who read this blog, but that's fine!  If you think this is a rather pathetic grasp at sympathy, I can only nod my head in shame.

However, this morning (and here's the great news!), after a long, long, so long night, I stuck my finger in Adelaide's mouth feeling certain I'd feel at least two fully emerged teeth.  Surely, after all that turmoil and pain, her body had pushed them completely through.  OK, I knew that wouldn't be the case, but what I did feel was her bottom-right molar, starting to poke through!  I felt tooth!  One small corner and part of a ridge.  This is good news.  Every little breakthrough motivates us to stay the course (As if I had a choice on this one; and of course, if I did, I'd still choose to stay the course...I like having teeth and feel like she does, too.)

So right now, the bottom-right molar is in the lead after just over two weeks.  And I'd been thinking it'd be the bottom-left.  (A mom's mental focus is not often the most fascinating thing to follow, clearly.)

On a final note, I joked while pregnant with Adelaide that if the adage "you are what you eat" applies to my growing baby, then I was well on my way to giving birth to Cap'n Crunch.  I'm glad to have been wrong, but now I'm wondering if perhaps Adelaide is actually some sort of shark hybrid.

We won't know for sure until she starts growing her second row of teeth after she's gotten all these first ones out of the way...I'll keep you posted.

Ack!  No sooner do I joke about something people should just avoid than I find out it does happen!  (See below.)  I apologize, Adelaide. 

Meanwhile, we're off to the races!  And yes, I'm glad she is growing so healthy and strong! 


  1. I read your Blogs, and it brings nothing but humor to those moments that I never take the time to think as such, and since we are going through pretty much the same thing, one way or another, thank you for helping me see the humor in the everyday. Love you!

  2. With some stuff, it's either cry or laugh, right? Or sometimes both. Love you, too!
