Sunday, June 5, 2011

Writer Sabbatical, then More

Total silence has settled over the past couple of weeks here, but I've not disappeared.  Sorry for the lull!

I have been distracted by crazy stuff and keeping busy with life.  Maybe I'll get into more of that later, but here's a quick update.

Adelaide's Four-Molar Race was triumphantly ended officially by the bottom-right molar after all.  Then the Three-Molar Race swiftly took the torch and kept the wacky teething shenanigans going until it was brought to a confetti-filled extravanza when the bottom-left molar won.  If you think this stuff is boring, come move in with us when the Two-Molar race revving in the wings decides to take off.  The top two molars are positioning themselves even now. 

Levi's been absolutely blind-siding me with his pure-minded observations on life and how he says "clickly" instead of "quickly."  I can't believe I'll start homeschooling him in about 15 months; this reality is also blind-siding me.

And the big news unfolding is that it's time for me to start my first book.  I just feel it and know it and am a tad wide-eyed as I face it.  But I'm ready and am excited to jump into what I've always known was one day coming.  There's a giant, shrieking grin inside me, trying to bust through all my cells as this reality sets in and as I try to evaluate my life and schedule to make changes that will accomodate this happy endeavor.  For the longest time, it wasn't time.  But now it's time.  (*Shriek!*)

So my brief sabbatical from posting is finally broken even if only by a quick checking in, but thanks for stopping in to read, and here's to lots more writing to come, in whatever form it comes.