Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another Mom Blog? You Know It!

Why do you think it is that mom blogs are so prevalent?  It has to be that the incredible stories in which we play a starring role--unfolding between the walls of our homes, behind the wheels of our cars, in the doctor's waiting room--are chock full of drama, humor, and love unimaginable.  The experience is at once gloriously other worldly and drudgingly banal.  So we moms just have to share with the world the daily miracles of human development that bud forth before our eyes daily.  It is a miracle.  We moms also relish the gift of grown-up discourse, and if blogging gives us more opportunity to partake, so be it! 

In this blog (and might I add here for no real purpose that I hate the word "blog!"), I'll probably talk a lot about pregnancy, newborns, and young kids.  And we'll see where it goes from there.  So let the laughing, the crying, the crazy sleepy-eyed stumbling, the pooping, the swinging, the cleaning, the training, and did I say laughing?...begin!

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