Friday, November 5, 2010

Levi's Thoughts on Yahweh

Three- and four-year-old kids say the greatest things.  You hear Bill Cosby talk about it and understand it, but then you live with one and can't help but laugh your way through most days.  They have an inspired and refreshingly transparent way of approaching new things as they try to understand them and assimilate them into their lives.  No question or concept or possibility is not worth pursuing.  Anything is possible, so they ask you tons of questions to determine where the boundaries exist.  Meanwhile, they're reminding you of the creativity and possibilities that come from thinking outside the lines we adults take for granted.

Lately, Levi has had a lot to say about Yahweh and a lot of questions about Yahweh.  How on earth do you explain these concepts to kids?!  Yet another reason to rejoice in Holy Spirit's indwelling.  Because kids are born spiritually alive, and because I want to protect and foster that and help Levi recognize Yahweh's voice, I refuse to just give him some sort of pat answer unless it's the best one for the moment.  Here are some of the issues that have arisen. 

While we were praying at bedtime and thinking of things for which to thank Yahweh, Levi suddenly said, "Mommy, can I call Yahweh 'Jackie Jack?'" 
I know there is revelation in the name Yahweh, and I want Levi to develop a healthy respect and fear of God, but this was hilarious to me!  I quickly listened for Yahweh's response and knew He was laughing, too.  I told Levi what I heard in my spirit:  "I think Yahweh would like having a nickname from you."

Levi:  "Where is Yahweh right now?"
Me:  "He's everywhere.  He's always with us no matter where we go."
Levi:  "Is He sitting in my lap?"
I love the questions that are hard for me to answer.  It makes me really think about things!
Me:  "Well, no, because He doesn't have a body.  He's a spirit."
This sufficed till a day or two later.

Levi:  "Does Yahweh have feet?"
Me:  "Not actual feet like we have.  He doesn't have a body like we have."
Levi:  "Does He have a belly button?"
I ended up explaining to him that we're spirits and live in our bodies and that Yahweh is a spirit who doesn't have to stay in one place in a body.  He's everywhere, even at our friends' houses.  How on earth can a three-year-old understand that?  Ha ha!

We're teaching Levi that He can talk to God and hear His reply.  The other day, I was holding Adelaide on the couch, and she was kind of clingy.  Levi was finished putting up with his lack of one-on-one attention, and I heard him say, "Yahweh, will you please hold Adelaide?"

Levi's first time to say a real, big-boy blessing at the dinner table went like this:
"Thank you, Yahweh, for our food, and thank you, Yahweh, for trains and trucks and trains and trucks, and thank you, Yahweh, for our food, and Aaaaamen."

Levi was playing Chutes and Ladders by himself, and when I stuck my head in the room to check on him, he said, "Yahweh's telling me how to play this game." 

I could likely go on and on, but these are a few of my favorite examples.  It makes for a good laugh, and it also inspires me to continue looking at things anew without taking things of the spirit for granted.  God is big enough to blow my mind and to have traits and plans that are beyond me.  His ways are higher than our ways.  I've really enjoyed Levi's ability to consider anything possible and to get me to reconsider what I think I know. 

As one of our worship songs goes,
"Emancipate my mind
As I embrace the impossible
Continue to stretch my thoughts and make me think like You
Mold Your character in me, clothed in Your righteousness
And elevate my expectations of what I will do."

I'm so grateful for the daily example I get of coming to the Father as a child.

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