Friday, April 22, 2011

Mommy Euphoria

There are certain moments in a mommy's life when glorious euphoria hits and your heart swells and all is right.

Here are a few such moments I've experienced recently:

  • Rocking Adelaide to sleep.  We put her down slightly awake, and she can go to sleep on her own, but Jed and I have this thing where we just really love snuggling our kids at sleepy times, so we do it.  When she's finally relaxed and just melted into your arms, all warm and content, there's no comparison.  If we don't fall asleep ourselves, we leave the room slightly transfixed, walking on clouds.
  • Snuggling Levi to sleep.  Same thing.  He is such a strong, active little boy, but when he's sleepy and snuggly right after we've finished our bedtime stories and said our prayer, there's nothing like those little four-year-old nuzzles and his puffy lips and cheeks, which are grazed by his long eyelashes, as he dozes off.
  • Sibling love.  When Adelaide is fussy and I can't get right to her, like on car trips, Levi will start talking sweetly to her or make goofy sounds and faces and hand her toys.  She almost always stops crying and starts giggling, then sometimes she gives her deep belly laugh.  She adores her funny older brother who takes such good care of her.
  • Lessons applied.  Hearing Levi remember to say "please" and "thank you" without outside inducement, and watching him hold doors open for others or clean his dishes and napkin after a meal is satisfaction times a million.
  • Child-like faith.  Hearing Levi talk to Yahweh or ask me questions about Him and Yahshua is the greatest satisfaction.  And I'll hear Levi giving direction to his angels, as he hears us do, and singing worship songs while he plays with his toys.  *Sigh*  Love it!
Anything worthwhile is a challenge.  Anything worth fighting for requires a fight.  Parenting falls into those categories.  But man, oh man:  The rewards are sooooo rich!  I'm ever grateful for the two mind-blowing gifts God has entrusted to us. 

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